Brattlecast #142 - Post-Covid Changes

As the Covid-19 pandemic slowly draws to a close, we’re taking stock of some of the changes it’s caused—to downtown Boston, the secondhand book business, and, especially, the Brattle. Differences at the shop run deeper than masked employees and plexiglass barriers: after a disastrous first year, we’re busier than ever before, and our new customers tend to be younger and more diverse. A revised book-buying policy has cut down on conflict, and we’ve renewed our focus on in-person shopping, keeping many of the better books offline. Some of the most important changes at the shop have to do with not being there: prioritizing family, travel, and work/life balance. We talk about it all on today’s “new normal” episode of the #brattlecast.

Brattlecast #141 - Boston Book Fair 2022!

This year’s Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair takes place at the Hynes Convention Center on the weekend of November 11 - 13. After two long years of online-only events, we’re looking forward to seeing all our favorite booksellers and book shoppers in person again. Admission is free on Saturday and Sunday—but the Brattle might be able to hook you up with a free pass for Friday too. Today’s episode features a sneak preview of our most exciting fair offerings: signed volumes from major American poets, first editions of feminist landmarks and beloved children’s classics, and an unusual treatise on… rat-catching. Come for the book fair pregame, stay for Jordan’s J.F.K. impression, and learn more at

Brattlecast #140 - The Power of Instagram

Something interesting is happening: the Brattle’s traditional demographic of bookish older men (No offense! We love you!) is being edged out by younger, more diverse, and dare we say, hipper customers. Why? Our photogenic outdoor sale lot has become popular on Instagram, creating a cycle of visits, alfresco shopping selfies, likes, organic advertising, and more visits. We’ll talk about the ways that this social media-driven shift is changing the shop, and the irony of an ultramodern communication network luring people back into the arms of dusty old books, on this potentially viral #brattlecast.

Brattlecast #139 - A Russian Diary

Today in the studio we have a diary that was kept by a teenage girl during her family’s emigration odyssey from Russia to the United States. They left Moscow in 1917, embarking on a year-long journey that took them across the continent on the Trans-Siberian Railroad, then through Vladivostok, Yokohama, Hawaii, and San Francisco. Mostly written in Cyrillic, the diary contains photos, little English-language jokes, and references to Jascha Heifetz, a family friend—and violin prodigy—whose family took a parallel trip when they left Russia. Learn about what makes a diary interesting, our translation processes, and the importance of treating these historical documents with respect on this meandering episode of the #brattlecast.

Brattlecast #138 - After the Gold Rush

In the late 1890s a young man named Charles Leach—along with some friends and about 100,000 other prospectors—traveled to the Yukon, hoping to strike gold. The punishingly harsh conditions and chaotic boomtowns of the Klondike gold rush have been mythologized in fiction, poetry, and film, but Mr. Leach’s letters home deliver an exceptionally rare contemporary account of day-to-day life in the far north. He became the cook for his expedition, and wrote to his wife in rich, transportive detail about supplies and budgets, wild bear steaks, and exorbitant $15 doctor visits. Ultimately, he—like so many others—left disappointed, but arguably the real treasure turned out to be the fascinating first-hand account that he wrote along the way.