Usually on this podcast we talk about the books in our shop, but on today’s episode we’re talking about our shop… in a book. 150 Bookstores You Need to Visit Before You Die, by author Elizabeth Stamp, is a collection of unique bookstores from all around the world. We’re honored to be included—and a little surprised: Ken found out when a customer brought in a copy for him to sign. Featuring inspiring photographs, the book makes a great guide for bibliophile travelers seeking off-the-beaten-path destinations. Pick up a copy online, or at the shop when you visit (before or after you die—the Brattle does not discriminate against ghosts).
Brattlecast #195 - Railroad Timetables
All Aboard! It’s the episode you’ve been waiting for: vintage railroad timetables. Despite the potentially dry subject matter, it’s a surprisingly scenic ride. Dating back to the early 1900’s, many of these schedules are illustrated with smaller-scale (and more affordable) versions of gorgeous travel posters—advertisements for the destinations themselves, but also for the relatively new concept of train tourism. We’ll look at routes to Lake George, Pikes Peak, the Adirondacks, and many other destinations on this timely #brattlecast.
Brattlecast #186 - The Japanese Album
Today in the studio we have another unusual travel souvenir: an album of large, hand-tinted photographs of Japan in the 1880s, only decades after the country was first opened to Western tourism. Bound in illustrated lacquered covers, these photos—of temples, landscapes, and people in traditional dress—have remained exceptionally sharp and clear, offering us a window into the tumultuous Meiji period. We’ll also discuss the improvements in postal service that caused lavish souvenir albums to fall out of fashion, the influence that Japanese art had on turn-of-the-century painting movements in Europe and America, and a popular new TV series that might spur interest in an item like this.
Do you have an idea for a future brattlecast? After about 200 episodes, we could certainly use some. Please reach out to with any questions or areas of interest.
Brattlecast #184 - A Collection of New Books
Today we’re talking about trying something new at the Brattle: brand-new books. We’ve recently purchased a large collection from a relocating publishing house that didn’t want to move its stock. It’s an unusual turn for the shop, which is known for its rare and secondhand volumes, but this group—nicely bound reissues of overlooked classics, collected quotes, and American historical documents—was a good fit for us, so we figured, why not? Placed up front by the registers, they’ve been a big hit with our growing contingent of tourist visitors, teaching us that sometimes change (but not too much change) can be a good thing.
Brattlecast #182 - Travel Souvenirs
Today in the studio we have some unusual pre-postcard souvenirs: panoramic photographs of various cities and tourist sites, each folded into a booklike decorative binding. Published in the late 1800s—and in exceptionally good condition—these albums offer detailed bird’s-eye views of Denver, San Francisco, Chicago, and Salt Lake City, among other destinations. They’d make a great starting point for a larger collection, or a thoughtful gift for someone interested in one of these places, or in early photography. We’ll also reveal the one type of collection that Ken absolutely will not buy for the shop, plus the somewhat kitschy souvenir that he can’t seem to stop collecting.