Brattlecast #197 - Handling the Big Ones

Ever wonder how to move 20,000 books? In this episode, we lay out the logistics of our largest book buys, from the initial phone call to the transportation, storage, and sweat-soaked tee shirts. Despite all the hard work, it’s always an exciting treasure hunt—and, as the number of general secondhand book stores dwindles, the Brattle is one of the few shops that’s able to tackle tens of thousands of volumes at a time. Join us for a look behind the scenes in this heavy-duty #brattlecast.

Brattlecast #195 - Railroad Timetables

All Aboard! It’s the episode you’ve been waiting for: vintage railroad timetables. Despite the potentially dry subject matter, it’s a surprisingly scenic ride. Dating back to the early 1900’s, many of these schedules are illustrated with smaller-scale (and more affordable) versions of gorgeous travel posters—advertisements for the destinations themselves, but also for the relatively new concept of train tourism. We’ll look at routes to Lake George, Pikes Peak, the Adirondacks, and many other destinations on this timely #brattlecast.

Brattlecast #170 - Magazines & Early Cars

Today in the studio we’ve got some beautifully illustrated issues of Collier’s and Harper’s Magazine from the early 1900s. In magazines from this era we start to see the first automobile advertisements pop up, selling hand-crafted and extremely expensive Speedwells or Pope-Hartfords to affluent Gilded-Age readers. After the Model T made driving accessible to the middle class, the car and its infrastructure would reshape American life, but at this time there were few gas stations, no roadside assistance programs, and not so many paved roads. Hop in for a tour of vintage car-culture on this speedy new #brattlecast.