Brattle Book Shop owner Ken Gloss has been an appraiser on Antiques Roadshow since 1998. Below are a few of his appraisals.
Here is the entire list
Podcasts (other than Brattlecast):
Ken talks to Antiques Roadshow Segment Producer Adam Monahan about Walt Whitman Civil War Letters and how they are rare than we thought.
Ken talks to Antiques Roadshow Segment Producer Adam Monahan about Harper Lee. Market Moment
Past Seasons:
Robert E. Lee Signed Documents, ca 1840, Louisvill, KY—Aired 2109
Abolitionist Diary, ca 1865, Tulsa, OK—Aired 2019
“The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant, Rochester, MI—Aired January 2019
Signed “The Trials of Jimmy Hoffa, Rochester, MI—Aired January 2019
Sea Captain’s Journal & Scrimshaw Tooth ca 1840, Sarasota, FL—Aired February, 2019
California Gold Rush Letters, ca 1850, Fort Worth—Aired January 9, 2017
1871 Lewis Carroll "Through the Looking Glass, Indianapolis—Aired April 17, 2017
Doctor Doolittle Archive, Virginia Beach—Aired May 8, 2017
Golden Cockerel Press, 1929-1931, Harrisburg—Aired June 3, 2017
Woolworth Anti-Integration Archive, ca 1963, St. Louis—Aired July 8, 2017
Trading Ship Documents & Pitcher, Newport—Aired September 18, 2017
1920 Tarzan the Untamed, 1st edition Spokane—Aired January 18, 2016
1881 Indian Chief Letter, Omaha—Aired April 18, 2016
1864 Civil War Education Teacher's Archive, Cleveland—Aired May 24, 2016
1862 Miniature Children's Book, Madison—Aired November 2015
Walt Whitman Civil War Letter, Chicago—Aired October 2015
1848 John Phillips 'Mexico' Book, Albuquerque—Aired September 28, 2105
Robert Frost Inscribed books, Santa Clara—Aired April 27, 2015
Italian Hotel Autograph Book, Santa Clara—Aired April 20, 2015
Inscribed To Kill a Mockingbird, Birmingham—Aired April 13, 2015
1968 Bill Clinton Letters, Birmingham—Aired April 6, 2015
History of Woman Suffrage Collection, Bismark—Aired February 23, 2015
Ken Gloss and Mark Walberg at Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park discuss the books of Elizabeth Custer, Bismark—Aired February 16, 2015
Frank Lloyd Wright Archive, Austin—Aired January 26, 2015
Confederate Floridian Newspapers, Jacksonville—Aired October 13, 2014
Signed Houdini Books, Knoxville—Aired September 22, 2014
George Washington Letter, Kansas City—Aired March 31, 2014
Civil War Confederate Letters, Baton Rouge—Aired March 24, 2014
Freud, Jung, Nijinksi, Detroit—Aired February 10, 2014
Uncle Tom's Cabin, Boise—Aired January 13, 2014
South Dakota Brand Books, Rapid City—Aired May 6, 2013
Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, 1945, Cincinnati— Aired April 1, 2013
World War I Air Corps Archive, Corpus Christi—Aired January 21, 2013
Tennesee Williams Manuscripts, Rapid City—Aired November 4, 2013
The Doves Press Bible, 1903-1905, Minneapolis—Aired May 21, 2012
Signed Cormac McCarthy First Editions, El Paso—Aired April 2, 2012
New York Daily Advertiser, 1788 -- Aired February 13, 2012
Ernest Hemingway signed Hat and Book, ca. 1935 -- Aired April 18, 2011
1623 Shakespeare Partial First Folio -- Aired February 21, 2011
1965 Cormac McCarthy First Editions-- Aired February 14, 2011
1655 Ortelius "Theatro Del Mondo" Atlas, Madison— Aired February 15, 2010
Walt Whitman inscribed "Memoranda" in Atlantic City -- Aired January 25, 2010
Vintage paperbacks & original cover art in Raleigh -- Aired January 18, 2010
United States Secret Service Archive, ca. 1900 in Palm Springs -- Aired January 5, 2009
Tasha Tudor Drawing from "Pumpkin Moonshine," ca. 1938 in Las Vegas -- Aired May 26, 2008
Abraham Lincoln Letters & Signed Photograph in Spokane -- Aired March 31, 2008
1935 "Porgy & Bess" Book in Salt Lake City -- Aired April 23, 2007
Review Edition of "To Kill A Mockingbird, " 1960 in Philadelphia
-- Aired February 5, 20071786 John Francis Journal in Providence -- Aired May 8, 2006
Country Store Journals, ca. 1895 in Bismarck -- Aired April 10, 2006
1907 Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings in Omaha -- Aired November 6, 2006
Arkansas Territory Council Minutes -- Aired November 3, 2003
William S. Burroughs Collection -- Aired October 6, 2003
Ross's "Voyage of Discovery," 1819 -- Aired January 27, 2003
Appraisals by Joyce Kosofsky:
First printing of the Book of Mormon in Dallas -- Aired January 26, 2009
1787 land deed signed by Benjamin Franklin in Orlando -- Aired February 4, 2010
1861 Letter written by Charles Dickens in Tucson -- Aired June 17, 2007