Ever wonder how to move 20,000 books? In this episode, we lay out the logistics of our largest book buys, from the initial phone call to the transportation, storage, and sweat-soaked tee shirts. Despite all the hard work, it’s always an exciting treasure hunt—and, as the number of general secondhand book stores dwindles, the Brattle is one of the few shops that’s able to tackle tens of thousands of volumes at a time. Join us for a look behind the scenes in this heavy-duty #brattlecast.
Brattlecast #115 - On the Roadshow
In this episode Ken takes us behind the scenes of Antiques Roadshow, GBH’s long-running appraisal program. Filming a season of Antiques Roadshow offers more than a shot at PBS fame and prestige—you also get to take a vacation to an offbeat city (or a road trip through a few) and socialize with a tight knit community of fellow appraisers. We’ll hear about how it all works, what it takes to get your item on TV, and some of Ken’s most memorable moments from his years on the show.