Brattlecast #204 - 150 Bookstores You Need to Visit Before You Die

Usually on this podcast we talk about the books in our shop, but on today’s episode we’re talking about our shop… in a book. 150 Bookstores You Need to Visit Before You Die, by author Elizabeth Stamp,  is a collection of unique bookstores from all around the world. We’re honored to be included—and a little surprised: Ken found out when a customer brought in a copy for him to sign. Featuring inspiring photographs, the book makes a great guide for bibliophile travelers seeking off-the-beaten-path destinations. Pick up a copy online, or at the shop when you visit (before or after you die—the Brattle does not discriminate against ghosts).

Brattlecast #44 - Boston Latin

Founded in 1635, Boston Latin School is the oldest public school in the United States, and boasts many famous graduates, including Benjamin Franklin, Henry David Thoreau, and Leonard Bernstein. One could build a collection consisting entirely of works by and about its illustrious alumni, as Ken suggests to one of his former Boston Latin classmates during a seemingly fairly raucous high school reunion. Plus, some tips on insuring your own rare book collection.

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