In this episode, we’re digging into an unusual collection of recipes: The Woman’s Suffrage Cook Book from 1886. The first of a handful of cookbooks published by American suffragette associations, this volume was designed to raise funds—and to subtly rebuke the idea that involvement in politics would cause women to neglect their domestic duties. We’ll discuss some of its illustrious contributors and the renewed interest in often under-collected feminist history materials on this deliciously democratic new #brattlecast.
Brattlecast #179 - The Bartender Book
Care to join us for a drink? Today in the studio we’re taking a look at one of the very first books on cocktails, punches, and—of course—nogs. Considered the father of American mixology, Jerry Thomas published his Bar-Tender's Guide in 1862. Thomas’s libations range from the familiar (a nice mint julep) to the antiquated (you never see White Tiger’s Milk on the menu anymore) to the alarmingly flammable (if you must mix yourself a Blue Blazer, please make it your first drink of the night); he also includes general bartending advice and recipes for temperance drinks (mocktails today). We’ll discuss Thomas’s flashy, fascinating career, other collectable cocktail guides, and a little bit of ice history on this intoxicating new #brattlecast.