Brattlecast #106 - Tales of Ken's Father

People often ask Ken how to start a bookshop, but the truth is, he’s never done it. The Brattle has existed since 1825, and was in pretty tough shape when it was purchased by Ken’s parents, George and Dorrit Gloss, in 1949. Ken essentially grew up in the shop; legend even has it that his first word was “book”. All of us, to a certain extent, struggle to get along with our parents; imagine how difficult that relationship can become when your parents are also your coworkers. That difficulty is compounded even further if the parent in question is George Gloss: a larger than life local character with a passion for books and bookselling, a briefcase full of unpaid utility bills, and a penchant for firing Ken on a nearly daily basis. It was a real personality clash, and Ken eventually left to study chemistry, vowing to put his career at the Brattle behind him forever. Learn what drew him back in and what lessons he ultimately learned from his father on this week’s episode.

As things open up again, we’d like to encourage our listeners to visit our shop at 9 West Street in Downtown Boston to see this and thousands of other fascinating items!

Brattlecast #63 - Why do Lectures? Or, Gilt by Association

Libraries! Museums! Children’s birthday parties (just kidding)! Ken is out on the road twice a month: giving lectures, sharing his love of rare books, doing appraisals for audience members, and participating in some truly hair-raising Q&A sessions. Find out when he’ll be in your town here: Real fans can bring their Brattle Book Shop tote bags for Ken to sign, and then ask him to appraise the autographed tote bag (nice, but not particularly valuable).

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