Brattlecast #69 - Stop the Presses!

It’s a macabre but fascinating area of American history: presidential assassinations. In this episode we’ll focus on a recently acquired collection of old newspapers covering these tragic dramas, from the gunshots and presidential demise, to the arrest and execution of the assassin, to the funeral procession, public mourning, and political aftermath. Especially interesting is the way that contemporary newspaper coverage occasionally differs from our received historical accounts of these events, and the way that violent national traumas can crystallize over time into a sort of half-true American mythology. 

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Brattlecast #24 - Get Real!

Grab your magnifying glass and join Ken as he investigates famous fakes, dubious documents, and suspicious signatures. In this episode we learn all about authentication: why who you know can matter more than what you know, the dangers of wishful thinking, and why most items simply aren’t worth faking. We’ll also delve into the weird world of collectible forgeries.

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