Brattlecast #55 - Casey at the Bat

From baseball tragedy to book shop treasure, we’re taking a look at the journey of Casey at the Bat. The poem, first printed in the San Francisco Examiner in 1888, was popularized in vaudeville, and, in 1901, published in the very valuable first edition here in the studio with us today. It has since been reprinted hundreds of times, and remains enduringly popular with collectors of both literature and baseball memorabilia. Ken talks about this and a variety of other home-run hits of baseball literature.

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Brattlecast #16 - The Spy Behind Home Plate

Batter up! Red Sox catcher Moe Berg was tasked with intercepting much more than fastballs as a spy inflitrating Nazi Germany. Ken shares intimate stories about Moe's life, including numerous visits to the Brattle Book Shop in this privileged look at the enigmatic ballplayer.

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