Brattlecast #203 - The Massachusetts Historical Society

In this episode we’re talking about a recent appraisal at the Massachusetts Historical Society. Founded in 1791, this institution is the oldest historical society in the United States, a treasure trove of documents, artifacts, and rare books that bring the past to life. Ken got to experience a few of these items: letters from Jane Austin and John Winthrop, plus a speech by Thomas Jefferson. We’ll discuss the difficulties of appraising such rare materials—and encourage you to visit the Historical Society and see their extraordinary collections for yourself—on this invaluable new #brattlecast.

Brattlecast #200 - Old Ironsides

Today we’re talking about a fascinating recent appraisal: a Midshipman’s journal of the USS Constitution’s world cruise. First launched in 1797, ‘Old Ironsides’ played a crucial role in the early days of the United States Navy, defeating five British warships during the War of 1812. In 1844 she embarked on a two-year global voyage, the first half of which is documented in our unusually well-written and richly-detailed journal. We’ll discuss this remarkable travelogue, journals in general, and the Constitution’s current role as a local museum ship in this seaworthy new #brattlecast.