Brattlecast #192 - Profiles in Courage

Today in the studio we have a copy of John F. Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage, inscribed by the author to an interesting—but not especially well-known—figure from Boston’s history. We’ll use it as a jumping-off point into a discussion of signatures and inscriptions more generally: some are simply nice to have, others substantially increase the collectibility and value of a volume, and many turn out to be written by a secretary or printed with the book itself. A look at some of the most common and convincing faux signatures rounds out this 100% authentic #brattlecast.

Brattlecast #110 - A Historic Customer

In this episode Ken talks about meeting a customer who, turns out, has an amazing family history. This is a story that really illustrates the importance of treating people well, no matter what. Speaking of meetings, we’re always happy to get in touch with you, our listeners! Feel free to reach out with questions, episode ideas, or just to introduce yourself. Our email address is; and you can find us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, we’re @brattlebookshop on all three.