Brattlecast #180 - LIFE Magazine Trends

They say that in life, change is the only constant, and this is true of LIFE Magazine collecting as well. While older readers collected specific issues for personal nostalgia reasons, their children and grandchildren find the magazines to be fascinating time capsules of mid-century American design, fashion, and culture. We’ll talk about the decline and unexpected resurgence of the LIFE secondhand market, part of the same wave of interest in vintage styles that re-popularized the vinyl record and the Eames lounge chair—both of which you might find stylish, copy-heavy advertisements for in an old LIFE Magazine.

Brattlecast #168 - The Great Boston Fire in 3D

In November of 1872 a massive fire destroyed most of Boston’s financial district, from Washington Street to the harbor. Starting in the basement of a commercial warehouse, it spread rapidly along narrow streets packed with wooden-roofed buildings. The fire department was hindered by inaccessible alarm boxes, low water pressure, and an equine flu that left them short of horsepower. Raging for about 12 hours, the Great Fire caused millions of dollars in damages and reshaped downtown Boston (plus fire codes everywhere) in ways that are still visible today.

In its aftermath, artists and photographers flocked to the so-called ‘Burnt District,’ capturing dramatic images of the ruins. Many photos were taken in newish-at-the-time stereoview: an early precursor to 3D movie technology—and the Viewfinder—in which two nearly identical images are viewed at the same time to create the illusion of dimension. We have some of these stereoview images in the studio with us, sparking a conversation about photography, flames, and urban renewal by way of disaster on this blazing new #brattlecast.

Brattlecast #167 - Historic Photo Albums

Today we’re talking about another surprising Brattle find: a fairly nondescript album that turned out to contain photos of prominent 1800s abolitionists. The collection includes small, sepia-toned portraits of Charles Sumner, Phillips Brooks, and even Sojourner Truth. We’ll also discuss other historical photos that have arrived at the shop, and the way that studio photography democratized image-making during the Civil War era, offering life-like portraits for a fraction of the cost of a commissioned painting. It all comes into focus on a flashy new #brattlecast.

Brattlecast #162 - LIFE at the Brattle

Today we’re taking a look at some vintage issues of LIFE Magazine, half a truckload of which recently arrived at the shop. Full of iconic photojournalism and snappy graphic design, LIFE’s oversized pages are endlessly fun to flip through—and convey so much information about mid-century American culture. Listen to hear our favorite LIFE stories, from Woodstock to working moms, on this eye-opening new #brattlecast.

Brattlecast #161 - Postcard Collections

In this episode, we’re talking about one of our favorite things to see in the shop: vintage postcards. While today they’re mostly used to show off vacation vistas, in the past postcards conveyed holiday greetings, commemorated historical events, and gave ordinary people an inexpensive way to keep in touch. Around the turn of the century, improvements in postal service, printing, and eventually photography set the stage for a golden age of postcards in the United States and Europe. Their popularity waned as telephones became more common, and dropped dramatically due the rise of social media. Affordable, easy to find, and dealing with a broad range of subjects, old postcards can be a fascinating and fun introduction to collecting. Listen to learn more, and don’t be afraid to drop us a line at